Call today for your intake appointment:
Moeller, Myers & Associates PC
Our compassionate & professional counselors are here to assist the Sauk Valley area.
(815) 626-8760
Schedule an appointment with one of our licensed counselors today!
(815) 626-8760
Moeller, Myers & Associates, PC © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Moeller, Myers & associates, pc
We have friendly and knowledgeable support staff who will work with you to establish the appointment time you need and who are committed to your care just like your counselor.
As a client you will be respected as an individual. We will work with your insurance for you, which includes submission of claims.
We will abide by the Confidentiality Laws by protecting your privacy, and obtain proper documentation for any release of information.
We have many clients that want to be seen on a regular basis. If you have a scheduled appointment time with one of our counselors that hour of time has been especially reserved for you. So, if you must cancel your appointment we kindly ask that you cancel with at least a
24-hour notice. Please call and speak to our support staff so that we may reschedule your appointment. If a cancellation call does not occur you will be subject to a $70.00 fee applied to your account.
Our staff are here to assist you and your family! Again, thank you for your interest in MMA- Moeller, Myers & Associates, PC.
We are committed to providing professional and comprehensive care for you and your family.
Please contact us with any questions you may have 815.626.8760.